Cycle Wisdom Circle: Soil and Seed
As New Moon approaches we will be tending to ourselves and each other. We will create the groundwork that will nurture our time together. By getting to know one another, making group agreements and clarifying our intentions we create the nourishing soil of belonging so we may wholeheartedly experience this Wisdom Circle Moon Cycle.
As New Moon approaches we will be tending to ourselves and each other. We will create the groundwork that will nurture our time together. By getting to know one another, making group agreements and clarifying our intentions we create the nourishing soil of belonging so we may wholeheartedly experience this Wisdom Circle Moon Cycle.
As New Moon approaches we will be tending to ourselves and each other. We will create the groundwork that will nurture our time together. By getting to know one another, making group agreements and clarifying our intentions we create the nourishing soil of belonging so we may wholeheartedly experience this Wisdom Circle Moon Cycle.