Join our Cycle Wisdom Circle and Celebrate Your Cyclical Nature With Others

The Cycle Wisdom Circle offers you the opportunity to speak with people practicing and exploring Cycle Awareness. In this online sitting circle, you'll be seen, heard, and celebrated authentically, no matter where you are in your life's journey.

Through the Circle, you will:

  • Experience being seen, heard, and celebrated just as you are in all your various ways.

  • Explore how Cycle Awareness can be applied to our daily lives such as how to tune into your hormonal shifts, harness the energy of each phase, and optimize your daily life accordingly.

  • Co-create a sense of community and belonging by offering the time to listen deeply to others and to give witness to them on their journey.

  • Gain insight, confidence, and knowledge of a life lived with Cycle Awareness.

Whether you have your menses, are pregnant or post-natal, irregular, peri, or post-menopausal, entering eldership, or are investigating cycle awareness without a sense of a cycle, you are most welcome to join us.

Unveiling the Depths of Womanhood Together

APRIL - JUNE 2024 6:00PM - 7:30PM GMT

4th April 2024

Tending The Soil

In this session we will be getting to know one another and the profound yet simple tool of daily Cycle Awareness tracking. We will be given time as a circle to listen to and share our most significant feelings about what it means to be a gathering together as a woman.

18th April 2024

Honouring The Seed

I will be sharing the story of the gift of our unique genius, the seed that is of our becoming. I will then take you on a journey to meet that seed in you. You will have time to share your journey in a smaller intimate circle before a closing ceremonial practice.

2nd May 2024

Surrender To The Roots

Here we will be exploring and honoring the Rooting time in our cycle. This is the sacred time of our bleed, our temperate inner winter, and the moment of resting and surrendering into belonging to life.

16th May 2024

Tender Shooting

In this session, we emerge into the time of the Shoot, our follicular stage, and our temperate innerspring. We will investigate the rising energies at play and consider the qualities we need to cultivate for ourselves at this tender time.

30th May 2024

Languid Flowering

As we arrive at the exploration of our ovulation, our temperate inner summer, we will understand how to celebrate a sense of ourselves in our fulsome flowering, and learn to savor the practice of a 'self-love bomb'

13th June 2024

Fruitful Harvest

In our final session, the luteal phase, the temperate inner autumn, we will meet the full spectrum of our being from light to shadow. We will learn how to hold the tension of honoring our complexities so that we may harvest and take stock of what we need to thrive.

As we delve into the intricate layers of womanhood, guided by the natural rhythm of our cycles, each session will align with the different natural cycles of growth. The next Cycle Wisdom Circle Runs:

Secure Your Space In The Cycle Wisdom Circle

I recommend committing to attending all sessions, but I realise that our other commitments may need attending to and that you may not be able to come to them all. If so, when booking, make sure you check the sessions and their dates to secure your place in the sessions that most speak to you! Unfortunately for matters of confidentiality, these won't be recorded.

My prices are offered on a transparent sliding scale basis, and aim to accomodate all, with different levels of income.


    My lowest priced offering so that you can access the Circle at a lower rate based on your income level. Your presence enriches the Circle.

  • BLOSSOM £17

    Support your own journey and contribute to the accessibility of others joining the Circle. This tier makes the Circle available to all.

  • HARVEST £27

    Invest in your growth and Sponsor a Circle Member. Your generosity allows the Circle to thrive, welcoming all income backgrounds.

Not Sure What Is Best For You?

  • Wondering how I can best support you as a mentor?

  • Would you like to get to know me in person before committing to a session?

Book a FREE 30-minute call and let’s discover how we can work together to support you to thrive.

What My Clients Say