
"May you become the gracious and passionate subject of your own life."

- John O’Donohue


My name is Lisa Sutherland. Welcome to the Vital Touch Therapies website. Here you are invited to discover the various ways I may serve you. Through Vital Touch Therapies, I invite people to experience the felt reality of what it is to be fully alive. My sessions are crafted to enable and inspire you to connect to a sense of belonging to yourself and the world. As a whole-person embodiment practitioner, I offer you two streams of therapy Nurturing Touch and CycleWise. Both are intertwined but each has a different quality of relationship. Please dive in and enjoy exploring these treasures I have to share with you. Through working together, may we create a life of loving kindness for you and all beings.

In serene radiance and pure delight,


Our Services

  • CycleWise

    CycleWise is the home of everything I create relating to Cycle Awareness.

  • Nurturing Touch

    Nurturing Touch involves a combination of personal and spiritual development and hands on touch therapy.

What My Clients Say

Get started with Lisa, today.