Seasons of the Soul
Rooting – Shooting – Flowering – Fruiting - Wintering
This coming year, we invite you to a series of five seasonal encounters in the beautiful Haut Languedoc natural park, Southern France. Each encounter lasts five nights and four full days.
This is a chance to journey through, and deepen into, the wisdom of the outer and inner seasons and connect with a kinder, more organic, cyclical and soulful way of living.
In an intimate group of up to eight, we will work with embodied, soulful values and practices to take into your daily life, offering tools and inspiration for you to thrive.
These will be spaces to slow down and explore our cyclical, seasonal natures in a nurturing environment, stepping away from the disconnect and exhaustion of hustle culture. Instead, we will look for what brings us truly alive and gives us meaning – becoming ‘soul activists’ through practising values of containment and depth, healing, beauty, imagination, gratitude, resting, animal sensing and connecting to ourselves, each other and the natural/ancestral realms.
Each five-day encounter will be a journey and a process that embraces that seasonal time of year, engaging with its archetypal energies through creativity, ritual, sitting in circle, delicious meals, time spent in nature, and other ‘primary satisfactions’.
Together these five encounters will make up a complete annual ‘life cycle’ – and you are welcome to attend all of these, or as many as you are called to:
ROOTING: Jan 27th-Feb 1st
SHOOTING: 29th April – 4th May
FLOWERING: 17th June-22nd June
FRUITING: 16th Sept- 21st September
WINTERING: 3rd Nov- 8th Nov
ROOTING: Jan 27th-Feb 1st
A time of slow emergence from winter, time to find our bearings, connect with our fundamental values that nourish our souls for the year ahead.
Endings and Beginnings – Receptivity and Reverence – What do you belong to, where are you rooted? – Sit spots – Finding your Bones – Rest and Surrender – Cocoons –Tending the soil, Sowing Seeds – Gestation in the Dark – a Silent Fast – Reflective Thinking – Non-doing –Trusting Change – Filling the Well
SHOOTING: 29th April – 4th May
NOW is the time… to unfurl tenderly, to reach towards potential and welcome in the bright green irrepressible energy that is abundant Spring!
Birthing Courage – Playful Mistakes – a Shrine to Innocence – Planting out the potager – Foraging – Cherishing – Natural Mandala – Plunge in the Gorge – Hearing your Soul’s Call – Opening to desire, risking Eros – Putting out Tendrils – Self-regulating and pacing – Exploring the sensual world: a meal, blindfolded!
FLOWERING: 17th June-22nd June
We gather in golden midsummer: a chance to celebrate and play, take delight in the myriad colours and fragrances of our inner gardens, whilst learning to give voice to the basic goodness within and around us.
Radiance and Expanding – Showing up for your Soul’s call – Light and Shadow – Wild swimming – Manifestation – Tending your garden – Gratitude and conscious nourishment, seeking Shade – Abundance and Inter-being – Declaring your Legacy – Your Voice in Prayer and Song – Dancing – Collecting Flowers, Celebrating Ourselves – A Midsummer Feast!
FRUITING: 16th Sept- 21st September
After the fullness of summer, we pause to take stock, to draw in the sweet fruits of in-sight and wisdom, and learn the art of Eldership.
Pruning – Discernment and Priorities – Taking Stock –Gathering Fruits – Preserving what is Precious – Wisdom and Eldership – Embracing Intricacy and Complexity – Praying into Discomfort – Holding the Tension – Far Sight and Alchemy – Unlearning and Letting Go – The Truth-Teller: Saying What you Mean – Savouring: a Harvest Festival – A Crowning Ceremony!
WINTERING: 3rd Nov- 8th Nov
We welcome winter, and gather by a warm hearth, embracing an Underworld perspective. As our experiences are reduced to their essences, they gain clarity and humour.
Samhain: honouring and grieving the Dead – Bonfire of Vanities and Illusions – Returning to the Essences – Being Humble –Putting things to Rest – Forgiveness: Marvellous Error! – Dream Council – Gallows Humour: Riding the Black Horse – The Invisible Fifth – Meeting the Ceiliach – Storytelling –Tending the Heart(h) – A-Way Blessing
About Us
Lisa and Jonathan met in 2010, dancing a 5 Rhythms solstice celebration at the intentional community of the Findhorn Foundation, Scotland. Their partnership has been a varied, magical, beautiful, soulful journey since then. Committing to weaving a life together has been met with abundant miracles and the inevitable challenges that any relationship calls us to meet. Their story of how their home in France came to be is one of the many examples of life’s grace and they would love to share it with you over a sumptuous meal cooked lovingly by Jonathan, with some ingredients grown in their verdant garden.
Lisa often refers to herself as an apprentice elder. She is at the stage of life where she has been shaped and honed by the challenges, triumphs and transitions of a life well lived. As a young child, she always felt most at home in the natural world, within the mythical realms of dreamtime, poetry and story and took pleasure in her body dancing, climbing trees or swimming. She embraces all these elements in her daily life now. She has a passion for learning, savouring subjects from nutrition to mysticism, somatic therapy to animism and has an intuitive skill for weaving connection and presence in all she touches. She has been a teacher, an organic farmer, a chef, an administrator, a communications officer and practises as a complementary therapist and a mentor offering her skills, gifts and knowledge into the growing field of cycle awareness. Her prayer for herself and all life is to rest in the way of Loving Kindness. She offers her life’s work to you through the gifts of ceremony, self enquiry, embodied action and soul activism, so that you too may tap into the roots that feed you, the inspiration to nurture you, the potency to engage with the calling of these times and the presence to forge your unique way in the world.
Jonathan has always been passionately involved with myth and poetry, soul-work and coming fully alive through embodied creativity. As a child he had a deep love of being in nature, and also a love for the French countryside and culture. He comes from a background in theatre, movement and somatic education. He ran his own theatre company for 12 years, and went on to train as a Feldenkrais Method Practitioner, sharing this practice of self-knowledge through neuro-movement with both actors and the public. For the past 15 years he has worked substantially in creative higher education, teaching movement, Feldenkrais, clown and group processes. In recent years, he has begun exploring ritual for groups, and has been struck by how it meets a deep need in people’s psyches. He is an enthusiastic chef, hillwalker and wild swimmer, a dancer and writer, and looks forward to warmly welcoming you.
Payment Options
Encounters last five nights and four full days, and run from either Monday to Saturday (Rooting and Wintering) or Tuesday to Sunday (Shoot, Flower, Fruit). The payment includes full board and lodging, as well as all the course costs, facilitation and materials.
Payment plans are available to help spread the cost over the year.
1 encounter: €750
2 encounters: €1375 (save €75)
3 encounters: €2100 (save €150)
4 encounters: €2750 (save €250)
5 encounters: €3300 (save €450)
If you have any queries about this booking structure, please get in touch.